This is the personal blog of Vanessa Williams. I was co-founder and CTO of oponia networks. Now I work for the super-cool, world-changing company ThoughtWire Corporation.
I’ve been working in technology for over 20 years, so I won’t bore you with an inventory of what I’ve done and where I’ve been. I have a resume for that if you’re truly interested.
At the moment, my technical interests are primarily in distributed computing, parallel programming, and scalability architecture & engineering.
My mathematical interests are mostly related to the structure and dynamics of complex networks. My favourite sort of art is procedural art (well… I have a fondness for contemporary Canadian sculpture, as well as photography.) I’m deeply fascinated by the history and philosophy of science. I read a lot of space opera and a lot of non-fiction And I positively despise low frequency noise with a sinusoidal bias—otherwise known as a “fridgebuzz”.
What else is there to say? Maybe someday I’ll think of something…
You can contact the author at: vanessa a t fridgebuzz d o t com